Win a FREE copy of Cocktails for Survival!

Drunk Publius doesn’t want to be a socialist, but it feels SO GOOD. And we like it. So we’re giving away a copy of our book. It’s FREE. We’ll mail it to you with our own drunk hands. You just have to do one of three things. Either follow us on Twitter (@TrumpedDrinks) for one entry, tweet the following tweet for two entires, and for three entires you can comment below and give us the name of a drink we should include in Volume II. Anything that’s happened in 2017 is in play! (Be sure to notify of us your entry using the widget below.)

[bctt tweet=”Celebrate the inauguration with a @TrumpedDrinks cocktail! #DrinkAmericaGreatAgain” username=”TrumpedDrinks”]

Contest ends Friday at midnight. Winner announced on Saturday. We promise not to call you a socialist if you win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Lyle H Janney on January 10, 2017 at 11:01 am

    Hmmm… a drink suggestion for Volume II… hmmm… I think I have one, and the original name even kinda fits with the theme.

    The Eternal Screw

    1 bottle Vodka
    1 12 oz. Frozen Orange Juice Concentrate

    Empty the still frozen Orange Juice Concentrate from the container into a 20 oz. tumbler. Pour vodka over the frozen cylinder, swish it around to melt a bit of the concentrate and drink in your own time. As the level goes down, keep adding vodka and melting more orange juice concentrate. You may or may not recognize when you run out of concentrate.

    Feel free to jazz up the description or whatever. 🙂

    Also, FYI, the website is using a white font color in the entry fields, so any text entered is not visible unless selected/highlighted.

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