For Immediate Release

Cocktails for Survival: Not as trump as you drink I am
How to survive the Trump presidency with humor and alcohol

United States of America, January 10th, 2017 – If you woke up in shock after the election to discover the fresh hell that a demagogue who preys on racial, ethnic and religious hostilities was elected President of the United States, you aren’t alone.

Cocktails for Survival: Not as Trump as you drink I am is a witty, pun-filled book with over 50 drink recipes designed to help you survive the Trump presidency, primarily with alcohol. Are you worried that the legality of your marriage is in danger? Try a refreshing “Societal Collapse.” Are you depressed about the lack of clean air and water? Drown your sorrows with a “Climate Denier.” These drinks are as delicious as they are hilarious, and these spirits will lift your spirits and briefly make you forget that Trump is president.

Cocktails for Survival is the creation of Drunk Publius and is available at Amazon. The e-book can be purchase at here.


Drunk Publius was born under a waning gibbous moon on a balmy November day. Created from the tears of Madison, the dulcet tones of Hamilton, something coughed up by John Jay during an illness, and a generous helping of alcohol, the spirit of Mr. Publius is rumored to stagger out of the fields of the Midwest to protect and mock the Republic when its voters prove to be idiots. If things get really serious, he can merge with Johnny Appleseed, Paul Bunyan, Casey Jones, and Pecos Bill to form a “Voltron robot” to protect the nation from enemies foreign and domestic. When not mixing drinks or responding to an existential crisis in America, Drunk Publius enjoys traveling, listening to records, and wrestling bears.

A free media copy of Cocktails for Survival is available upon request. Contact:

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